People representation in Reflect projects
July 2021 Update. Because the new terms and conditions of Unity Reflect, it is not possible to offer anymore the free version of RETIMA for Reflect projects. Many thanks to all the users that have taken part of the beta.
One of the core functionalities of RETIMA is the automatic placement of hundreds or persons. When working with Unity Reflect projects, you can easily control what objects are to be considered as floor or platforms to have people represented.
When opening a Reflect project for first time in RETIMA, no object of the model is defined yet for people representation (PR). You can select any object(s) for PR with these simple steps:
Activate Info mode, to be able to select objects.
Left click to select the objects. Hold the control key to select more that one objects at the same time. You can activate the properties panel to check the parameters of the objects selected.
Set as objects for PR with the add button in the PR area in the control panel. Or remove as object for PR with the minus button.
You can add or remove objects for PR as any time. If PR mode is active, it is automatically updated when any object is added or removed for PR. You can use the select bottom in the PR area to check which objects are currently used for PR. This will select all the objects in use, that can be helpful if we want to remove all the current objects for PR without having to select them one by one.
If you work with BIM, maybe your are wondering why the floor building components are not automatically recognized. Well….they are. If your Reflect project contains models from Revit, and there are objects of floor category, you will have the option to automatically use them as objects for PR. Each time you activate the PR mode and no object is defined for PR, you will get a dialog to confirm the use of the floor objects.
FAQ about people representation:
Is it needed to set the objects for PR each time I open the model in RETIMA?
Any change in the objects for PR is automatically synchronized online, like with the location settings and presets. After a change is made, any user that open the Reflect project will have the updated configuration of objects for PR.
Is there any geometrical constrain or condition for objects to be used for PR?
Any object can selected for PR. RETIMA automatically checks if it is geometrically possible to host people on top of it. Like for example if the objects has in its upper parte an horizontal (or moderately sloped) surface big enough to have people with the current occupancy density settings.
is it possible to manually tweak the position of the automatically generated people?
Currently not. You can switch off/on the PR mode to have a new people layout, but you can not directly modify the current one. But keep an eye to the next updates for some improvements in this area.